Keep Eyewear Safe: Canoeing and Swimming With Glasses

This blog is for fellow paddlers regardless of whether you paddle a stand-up paddleboard, kayak, canoe, an open-water swimmer or just want to wear your glasses for pool swimming.

I am a keen paddler who is out on the water as often as possible, this is not a paid promotion and I bought the gear at full cost.

One of the difficulties I faced when on the water was that I have a high prescription for my eyes, which means I need to wear glasses 👓 to see properly and contact lenses don’t mix well with water sports!

Not being able to see was just not an option for me and I didn’t want to risk losing my glasses.

"From the river's edge, my glasses grant me a front-row seat to nature's grand spectacle, revealing each vibrant hue and shimmering reflection with pristine clarity." - John Muir

One item of gear you’ll find in my dry bag

Easy to take on and off

Slightly harder to take on and off

Swinging and they still don’t fall off!


  1. Comes with different coloured straps for different moods - we bought them in orange, yellow, purple and red.

  2. Floats in the water 💧

  3. Good value for money 💵

  4. Nearly impossible to lose glasses or sunglasses when attached

  5. Easy to see due to the bright colour

  6. Straps are a good length

  7. Gripper helps you to size to your head relatively easily

  8. Feels secure when sized correctly


  1. You have to remember to put them on!

  2. Can be stiff to attach to glasses or sunglasses where the end of the arm is wider

  3. You can feel a slight pressure against your head

  4. Can be a bit bulky in a glasses case

Top Tip

  • Be sure to check that the arms of your glasses will fit the holes in the floatation straps!

  • If you have wide arms glasses, consider these straps instead

Where can you use these?

I’ve used these floating straps when 🛶canoeing on flat water lakes and rivers. I don’t use them overly often but they seem to hold up well.

Would you recommend them?

Overall for me the pros of the product outweigh the cons and I’ve been happy with them when I’ve remembered to put them on! My glasses have never fallen off, thank goodness!

Please be careful of the snagging risk and it’s always a good idea to consider having a safety knife with you, just in case.

I haven’t used them in any whitewater yet as I plan to use prescription goggles.

Happy paddling!

We're Tim & Claire, we love UK canoeing and are obsessed! Come and join us!

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