We're Tim & Claire, we love UK Canoeing and are obsessed! Come and join us!

Hello, I’m Claire.

Once upon a time, I was the person in a motorboat who confidently said, “You’d never catch me in a canoe.” Little did I know how mistaken I would be! Over time, an undeniable longing grew within me to become that person gracefully navigating in a small, unpowered craft. Admittedly, I had doubts about my abilities. I couldn’t swim and had never been in deep water.

The day I first stepped in a canoe in the UK, it took me years of personal growth and perseverance to channel the moment when I decided I would commit to getting in a canoe. It took an entire hour to gather the courage to get in, and mere moments later, I found myself swiftly exiting. Instead, we opted for a punt, a compromise influenced by my apprehension. It was the closest I had ever been to the water. As I looked up at the enchanting natural world before me, something changed. I was captivated, and from that moment, I was hooked!

Canoeing has changed me; it goes beyond a hobby or a fleeting interest. It is an inseparable part of who I am. With every stroke of the paddle, I feel the rhythm of the water. Canoeing has become my essence, deep within my soul, guiding me to unexplored territories and awakening a sense of purpose and belonging within me.

However, let me be transparent with you; it wasn’t an immediate transformation. It took me years to face my fears, including documenting and confronting my fear of being out of my depth in water through journaling and canoe trips. This journey led to the creation of UK Canoeing.

As the planner in our duo, I invest countless hours studying maps, sourcing documents, and exploring websites to uncover the best paddling routes.

My vision for UK Canoeing was clear - I was to provide a resource for people like me: those that harbour fears but yearn to conquer them and those that seek thrilling trip ideas and invaluable tips for unforgettable adventures.

At UK Canoeing, we are on an incredible journey of self discovery, capturing our canoeing expeditions through the lense of a camera. Our canoe videos are personal to me because they reveal the progress I have made over time.

Hi, I’m Tim.

Canoeing has become my sanctuary - an activity that instils tranquillity and serenity within me. The gentle sound of my paddle gliding through the water produces an oasis of peace. I find water freeing, and I am confident in my ability as a strong swimmer to navigate any challenge that arises.

One of the reasons I am so drawn to canoeing is the exhilarating prospect of personal uncharted waters and wonders. There are moments when nerves flutter, but that’s what makes each adventure all the more exciting - the anticipation of the unknown.

For those who know me, they understand that I have an unwavering spirit and an appetite for new experiences. UK Canoeing was born out of a desire to preserve the memories we created during our expeditions, with the hope of inspiring kindred spirits who share our passion.

Through UK Canoeing we aspire to ignite a spark and encourage others to take on their own transformative journeys. Together let’s unlock the possibilities that lie beyond for limitless adventure.

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